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Pretty in Pink Photoshoot

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

Where's Waldo? Oh no, I'm sorry, I mean-

Where's Laurel?

Can you spot her?

Oh there- there she is!

When I found this cotton candy dress at Goodwill, I couldn't help it.

It was as if it was screaming, "Kelly, please buy me. Please sweep me away in one of your ridiculous photoshoots! That I might live once again, even be immortalized before I tatter and fray . . . "

And so, despite it not being 50% off, I bought it.

And I say, it was one among yet again, many of the thrift store dresses that turned out to be such fun!

I was such a lucky girl when I met one of my best friends, Laurel. We needed a roommate, and the Lord blessed us with a true and genuine friend.

Her passion, her wit, humor and heart of gold were just a few of the amazing qualities of this lovely! As she is a creative and of the highly artistic side, I knew Laurel would be up for modeling for my crazy idea for a photoshoot.


Cherry Blossoms.



Did I say Pink?

So, the lesson of the story goes:

The next time a dress calls your name and asks to be immortalized, heed its wish!

You might just end up with a fantastic afternoon with your best friend, and photos to always remember it.

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